Mariposa has a brother
This second pregnancy wasnt a surprise. After the painful experience of a c-section, I try to heal my mind and my body, wait two years to give me a second chance. I Leave nothing to the chance. If the minimum time between pregnancies had to be a year, I wait two.
When I was pregnant I was convinced that in no way I could return with the same doctor. So even before I began an exhaustive search of the doctors or clinics that supported a vaginal birth after cesarean.
On the blogs, I realized that even though some doctors seemed pro VBAC, actually end their policies betrayed and ended in Elective c-section. So I had to be very careful. I found several references to a Dr. Regina C, who attended in a clinic, but the deliveries took them within a hospital, with everything needed to help a natural birth. She also had a team of midwives who came to know well before delivery.
I made an appointment. Knowing my history told me that my c-section had been totally unnecessary and that this induction was doomed to failure because of the way it was done. Do not weigh myself. She ask me if I wanted an ultrasound, still without impositions. I left there completely optimistic.
Afther three months of pregnancy, we had to change our country for work purposes. Now in addition to seeking a home and school, had to find a doctor and a hospital. The first two months I went in looking for a house, my daughter adjust and adapt to change. moving home, close accounts, open other, etc.
I was 7 months pregnant and just going to have my first consultation with social security. The private part was saturated for my dates. The doctor who could assist me perhaps these days would be holidays. I realized I want to have my baby in the private wing meant fewer possibilities for a natural birth by clipping services.
Social security was not bad. They took the blood and urine tests were in the same query. Never made me an ecographie. In England they make just one or two. And I was already late for that. You do not see doctors, midwives comes and touch your belly and know the baby's position, size, if the liquid is fine, etc.
At first the spelling I have no echo was little security, but then I realized that you must thrust your body until you have real reason to think that things go wrong.
So I spent a very peaceful pregnancy. Walking a lot. Very busy with my new life. Without fear of anything. Trusting in my body.
In the public hospital they put me in contact with two midwives in charge of VBAC, vaginal birth after cesarean. I love meeting and talking with them, gave me confidence by saying that it was possible, which would let me get to 42 weeks, or a day before, did not have to be lying when I was in labor. That could take a shower. And wouldnt put time limits, but be very careful with the baby's heart monitor my pulse etc. .. When asked if they were there they said only if the birth was Tuesday.
Finally I had an appointment with the obstetrician, but midwives canceled it because it was thought that if he would want to schedule a cesarean, so I saw it through week 39. Talk to him and see how everything was an imposition made me realize that everything was shaping up for a new caesarean. Luckily from the 36th week my husband and I had a visit to the birth center.Somewhere between home and hospital.
I did not want to give birth at home, I looked much risk, but the birth center was literally in the corner of a hospital. From the first visit one of the midwives was very interested in my case asking me questions, they said they had 80% of VBAC. I knew my chances in the hospital were 40%!
A week later, after much thought, talk with two doulas that I contact via the Internet, we make the decision to try delivering in the birth center. So we started to have consultations with them about twice a week to make sure to meet as many of them. (they were 6 in my team)
During the 39 weeks I began to feel more flow than normal, and I thought it was broken or cracked the bag. The options were to do a test that increased the chances of an infection in case if it were broken or wait. The hospital would not let me and I would expect nothing touches.So I decided to do nothing and wait for nature to take its course.
Not expected to give birth before 42 weeks. 40 week walk a lot. I had a lot of energy. But after the damage of c-section that, I did not really believe being able to get birth alone and in my head I was thinking about the options I had if I would have 42 weeks and not put me in labor.
I heard so many stories. Women who have never broken bag and contractions. Women who start labor but never expand enough. In order that my head was full of negative stories. Attempts impossible.
I read a lot. I wanted to convince my body that was possible. I could not understand that in God's creation could be so imperfect. I had to let nature take its course. No inductions. I had to relax, I knew the adrenaline in my body could not let act natural oxytocin.
Week 40 +3. On Friday morning I went to get my daughter to the park, I sat in the sand to play with it. we went to the house of some friends. I went to make last minute purchases. When we got home noticed a little blood. I thought it was a bad sign, but to call the midwives told me it was the mucus plug. After two hours the contractions started. every 5 min lasting 1 min. Still it was a good pattern was not very intense so we hope to see what happened and try to sleep.At 4 am the contractions became less continuous. 1 every 10 min. So all morning. On Saturday night were more intense but every 7 min. Domingo. The contractions were up but they were more continuous. It was difficult to walk and talk at the same time. At 4pm try going to the park for a walk but it was impossible. We returned home. Contractions every 5 minutes with duration of 1 min. We call the birth center and 6pm and we were there.
We left our things. We were alone. I got into the tub immediately, with relaxing music and candles. The contractions had a good case. After it became difficult to carry them, all I could do was walk.
3 am, I thought it became increasingly more frequent, but the midwife looked at me and told me that they had no specific pattern. 6:00 a.m. and could no longer walk, I had strange feelings in my body was exhausted. I was beginning to give up. It seemed that there was extensive enough yet, (I had made no touch) but the pain was impossible to endure the fatigue I had.
I thought about the power of the mind. I thought my mind was able to do everything I wanted.The only thing left was trying to rest and find strength. I asked her to make me a "tacto" for what to expect, but the midwife who was with me that night told me to wait for the nex midwife who was to be with me the full next day.
Spend the whole morning in bed, having contractions every 5 or 4 min, very painful, which made me get all my body, I had to shake hands with my husband too hard to endure a little longer.
My mom was really worried, the contractions were very strong. The midwife kept saying they were not really a case to make a touch if I had spent the morning in bed was difficult to progress.
She said that the option still available was caesarean section, in the hospital inductions are not allowed to who have had c above. So we decided to wait a little longer and see what happens.
At 3 pm we ask her to do a tacto. She said that the bag is intact. She looks at me and tells me I have 8cm and can feel the baby's head. I suddenly comes an energy, I do not know where. I get up, take a shower. I go out and get into the tub (birth pool) request music, candles.Contractions are becoming increasingly strong. Very intense. I try to breathe and relax. I feel the need to expel something, and had that feeling since Saturday.
During the entire time they are checking my pulse and heart of the baby and going well.
She says to bid when you feel you need it. I try, not works, is a feeling that I had not felt before. I think in all women who undergo a cesarean innecesarea, and put even more strength to try. Water breaks and water is clean. But attempts nothing happens. Suddenly I feel the baby's head. that gives me the strength to keep trying I keep seeing even impossible.Suddenly comes the head and the body is triggered by itself. The midwife takes it in his hands and passes it to me immediately, I put on my chest. I feel a joy indescriptible. I kiss him. He was born when he wanted., I cry.. I could not believe my God. We did it!
Beautiful birth story Maria! Thank you so much for sharing and for translating it. I know exactly how you are feeling, I felt the same way after my VBAC, 4 weeks ago today! I also felt like you at one point when it was so hard and I wanted to give up but in my head I found the strength to keep going. I am so proud of you!
ResponderEliminarI can't believe your bag was intact. It's not uncommon to have a high leak with an intact bag or for a leak to reseal. All the more reason to wait and let nature take it's course.
I'd love to repost your birth story as a guest post on my blog. Do you mind? Also, are you on Facebook? I'd love to keep in touch. I am Amy Fuller in South Korea if you want to look me up.
Congrats on your birth and thank you again for sharing!
Congratulations! Your story will give someone else the strength to be patient.